All our scripts are installed on your server and your server makes posts to your networks directly. When you make a post your server logins to your account on your behalf and makes a post. The location that Facebook is asking you to confirm is a location of your...
This could mean: Either user ID or session ID are not correct You logged out from Facebook in your browser. Please follow our instructions  and get a correct, active and working session ID. Please do not logout from Facebook after...
You don’t need to worry about that. Facebook has a “2 Years app retention policy”. After that your app will be automatically upgraded to the next version. SNAP plugin has a full support for all versions of Graph API Apps from 2.0 to the latest 2.10....
This is not something we can change. Those are Facebook rules, terms, and conditions. The plugin will use the name of the user who authorized the Facebook app. 1. Post to user profile will be posted as the user’s name. 2. Post to all kinds of pages (business,...
It’s complicated. Official Facebook API rules are: Regular Facebook API allowed to post: 1. Facebook Profile. 2. Facebook Pages (all kinds) (User who authorized the plugin must be an admin of the page). 3. Public Groups (User who authorized the plugin must be at...
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