All our scripts are installed on your server and your server makes posts to your networks directly. When you make a post your server logins to your account on your behalf and makes a post. The location that Facebook is asking you to confirm is a location of your...
If your post is posted as “Image Only” (no description) or you click the link to the new Instagram post and see this: Sorry, this page isn’t available. The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed. Go back to Instagram. This...
1. The most common reason for the “Wrong Key” error is the outdated SNAP Helper plugin. Please make sure your SNAP Helper plugin is 1.5.5 or later. 1.4.X versions are no longer compatible with latest SNAP releases. 2. It also could be amount of memory...
This could mean: Either user ID or session ID are not correct You logged out from Facebook in your browser. Please follow our instructions and get a correct, active and working session ID. Please do not logout from Facebook after...
Please go to your WP Admin panel and click on “Accounts” under the SNAP|Autoposter in the left side menu. The URL of that page is the “URL of your SNAP Plugin “Accounts” page”
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