Original NextScripts Premium API for Facebook came out only with support for autoposting to Groups. Today we are releasing full featured API.
- Autoposting to profiles.
- Autoposting to pages (All types). If you are an admin of the page, posts will be made as “page name”.
- Autoposting to groups (All types).
- Comments import.
Available today as Beta to all active Premium API subscribers and prepaid users. Please update SNAP plugin to version 4.2.3, API to version 4.3.6 and SNAP Upgrade helper to version 1.5.5.
If you still don’t have NextScripts SNAP Premium API for WordPress you can get it here: SNAP Premium API
Hi, can the plugin solve the problem of page approval immediately? view image:
Premium APi does not use official Facebook API, so no apps and no approvals are needed.
What happens if you use the Facebook API first?