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Please get and enter session ID.
Are you getting any errors?
Please check your Log/History page and let me know what do you have there.You need to login to using your regular browser. You can probably do that from the phone as well.
Please go to the Help?Support page in the plugin and click Show Cron test results. Then click “Re-do the test”
This message usually comes with another error message above it. Please check what it says. Also please try a different configuration method.
Cron is not something our plugin can control, setup or adjust. It’s internal WordPress feature and it must be working. The best person to setup and troubleshoot it will be your server admin. There could be a number of reasons (usually incorrect server security setup) that could be resolved only by server admin.
Please upload the files to your server and open snap-setup.php in your browser. You will see the configuration interface that will create a settings.txt file
What message exactly?
We are using traceable email system. I just tried to request your password. then I checked the trace. Email was “Accepted” and “Delivered” to your server Please check your spam folder or talk to admin. Email is there.
I was under the impression that with the universal API that we could use multiple accounts with it.
This is correct. You can configure as many accounts as you like.
For example: I have 20 twitter accounts. Instead of me entering 20 twitter accounts apps- keys and access tokens for each twitter account the universal API will let me just enter the twitter accounts and voila the automated postings are good to go.
Why exactly you were under such impression? How this could be even technically possible? How do you imagine just entering accounts and posting there without entering keys and access tokens?? What about security? You really think there is a system where you can enter Trump’s and justin bieber’s accounts somewhere and “and voila the automated postings are good to go” now you can post to Trump’s twitter??
Please let us know exactly where we suggested that you can post to accounts without entering login credentials?
- This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by
1. If you are asking about “Shared Link” type of post.
SNAP does not set image, title and description of the shared links.
Facebook sets this info by itself using your OpenGraph(OG) metatags.Please see here for more info:
2. If you are asking about “Image” type of post
September 24, 2018 at 11:45 am in reply to: IDEA: ADD PUSH NOFICATION SYSTEM WITH REPOSTING SERVICE #559382It’s already there. It’a called “Yo”.
Radiobutton will appear automatically if you turn on filters.
If your last payment was on March 25, 2018 that you do have an access to NextScripts Premium API for Facebook until at least March 25, 2019.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by
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