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  • in reply to: Can't post image on Facebook #31581

      ” Image Post – big image with text message” and “Post to Timeline”

      (Note that I already posted manually in order to create the album)

      in reply to: Can't post image on Facebook #31572

        What is your type of post?

        in reply to: Report doesnt work after 3.06 update #31513

          sorry again but also
          Repost ONLY previously unautoposted posts
          does not remove the flag, I cleaned several times the cache

          in reply to: Report doesnt work after 3.06 update #31509

            I’m sorry but still does not work, does not publish any post, here is the log:

            2013-11-13 19:41:08] – [RE-Posted] [Facebook – MisterV] – OK | Next Time Requested: 2013-11-13 20:39:19 | Current Time:2013-11-13 20:41:08 | | Last Time:2013-11-13 20:21:23| Next Shedulled Time – 2013-11-13 21:24:38) | Reposted (New to Old) POST ID: | Prev Post ID:0 |

            [2013-11-13 19:21:23] – [RE-Posted] [Facebook – MisterV] – OK | Next Time Requested: 2013-11-13 20:18:53 | Current Time:2013-11-13 20:21:23 | | Last Time:2013-11-13 19:43:54| Next Shedulled Time – 2013-11-13 20:39:19) | Reposted (New to Old) POST ID: | Prev Post ID:0 |


            in reply to: Custom Modification #31488


              in reply to: Only featured items auto posted and a other problem #31484

                CTT, Agreed. For my purposes, a beta would be ideal as at least I could get some testing out of the plugin as my business is going to be relying on Social Media interaction.

                I’ve not had much help in the line of forum or email responses. I’m willing to go to lengths to get this to work with my site to the point of trying to hire a 3rd party developer to add the functionality needed. I’ve emailed and used the forum multiple times for either mod support info or a quote and have not had luck.

                SNAP is a fantastic plugin and my hope is that the developer can get some additional help to fix the support issues such as mine.

                in reply to: Problems connecting YouTube #31471

                  Hi, I’m getting this same problem except it’s impossible to put in the Google Plus Page Id into the Youtube setting because it will not save the setting. As in, the field is empty, I enter the Page Id number, I click Save Settings, it saves and when I open the Youtube account’s settings, the field is empty again.

                  Is there anything I can do here, maybe insert the number straight into the right database column? Could you give me a pointer where I might do that? It is a bit frustrating for the panel to not save this one setting which turns out is necessary now.

                  in reply to: Missing title and link for Linkedin group posts #31440

                    I use the LinkedIn Native API.

                    Now I read “Can be used for posting to your profile only.” But I have used it for groups already a few months without any problem.

                    in reply to: Problem with planned posts and the time to post #31439

                      That’s what I would expect.

                      I created a new post at 3pm and set the post date to 6am the next day. But while editing the post, the SNAP post times showed 6pm instead of 9am.

                      Is it clear now?

                      in reply to: Image Sizes on Friends Wall #31438

                        same here but author’s plugin seems don’t understand what we say…


                        Let me quote some text from the link I sent you earlier…

                        While this new layout yet to be transitioned to the regular API shares, there is a way to make this happen right now. Version 3 has an option to let Facebook decide the share info by itself using your OG tags and other info.

                        I apologize if it’s not clear enough. Let me explain it a little bit further:

                        This feature is not explicitly available to Facebook API yet. When it will be available is totally up to Facebook. We will implement it the next day after Facebook adds it.

                        If you read the post you see that this feature possible only if you check “Let Facebook fill the link info” checkbox. This basically means that if this checkbox is set plugin just does NOTHING. It just tells the the Facebook – “Here is the URL to share – do whatever you like with it”. There is noting else. Nothing could be broken, nothing for us to fix. Whatever happens on Facebook pages and how it’s shown there is totally up to Facebook. Our plugin just not involved at all.

                        in reply to: Repost doesnt work automatically just manually #31419

                          Edit: it works with Twitter, but not with Facebook. How to solve it? It’s very important for me re-posting on Facebook…

                          in reply to: Image Sizes on Friends Wall #31403

                            ****But these post ,when displayed in the newsfeed of my followers/Friends/fans, show up only with small images.****

                            And if these post manually link to post ir shows Big Images erverywhere…

                            in reply to: Image Sizes on Friends Wall #31399

                              same here but author’s plugin seems don’t understand what we say…

                              in reply to: Image Sizes on Friends Wall #31395

                                I allready checked this:

                                But it doesnt gets me any further. As i mentioned obove the Plugin is already Posting to my FB Page (fan page ) with Big Images. But these post ,when displayed in the newsfeed of my followers/Friends/fans, show up only with small images.

                                in reply to: Image Sizes on Friends Wall #31393

                                  Also no Open Graph Tags are inserted by the Plugin. Open Graph Option in Settings is checked.!!
                                  Only thing i see in the Sourcecode is:

                                  <!– ## NXS/OG ## –><!– ## NXSOGTAGS ## –><!– ## NXS/OG ## –>

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