Wont post to wordpress

Forums SNAP – WordPress Plugin Forums Wont post to wordpress

  • This topic has 13 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 10 years ago by Gerald.
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  • #191795
    SHell Brodnax

      Plug in is installed on www.https://niagara.resa-hq.org and we want those blog posts to post to http://www.homeStagingnewswire.com

      User name and password is the one used on the home staging newswire blog. They are correct. Getting this error:

      Testing …

      [pgID] =>
      [isPosted] => 0
      [pDate] => 2014-05-01 02:54:09
      [Error] => -=ERROR=- transport error – HTTP status code was not 200 – 6 – Couldn’t resolve host ‘NiagaraRESA .wordpress.com’ |

      Array ( [pgID] => [isPosted] => 0 [pDate] => 2014-05-01 02:54:09 [Error] => -=ERROR=- transport error – HTTP status code was not 200 – 6 – Couldn’t resolve host ‘NiagaraRESA .wordpress.com’ | )

      any feedback is much appreciated.


        Please check your settings. There is really no NiagaraRESA .wordpress.com website.


          Even if you remove the extra space.

          niagararesa.wordpress.com doesn’t exist
          Do you want to register niagararesa.wordpress.com?

          SHell Brodnax

            The website is https://niagara.resa-hq.org but your directions say to add your user name to wordpress.com

            SHell Brodnax

              I also changed to https://NiagaraRESA.niagara.resa-hq.org/xmlrpc.php and it doesn’t work. This is a WP site, but not on a wp domain.


                What exactly do you have in the “XMLRPC URL” field? It should the correct URL of your destination site/

                https://niagararesa.niagara.resa-hq.org/xmlrpc.php – this site does not exist!

                SHell Brodnax

                  I have https://NiagaraRESA.niagara.resa-hq.org/xmlrpc.php

                  Your instructions state Please use https://YourUserName.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php (replace YourUserName with your user name

                  I put in our user name, it did not work, wordpress.com is NOT part of the url the site that we are talking about is https://niagara.resa-hq.org/ we want blog posts on that site to automatically post to https://homestagingnewswire.com what URL would I put in the URL box?

                  SHell Brodnax

                    I just put in the destination of https://newswire.homestagingnewsire.com/xmlrpc.php

                    I get

                    Testing …

                    [pgID] =>
                    [isPosted] => 0
                    [pDate] => 2014-05-08 17:55:55
                    [Error] => -=ERROR=- transport error – HTTP status code was not 200 – 6 – Couldn’t resolve host ‘newswire.homestagingnewsire.com’ |

                    Array ( [pgID] => [isPosted] => 0 [pDate] => 2014-05-08 17:55:55 [Error] => -=ERROR=- transport error – HTTP status code was not 200 – 6 – Couldn’t resolve host ‘newswire.homestagingnewsire.com’ | )


                      I am not sure why you keep entering the non existent sites and expect some results.

                      Try to open https://newswire.homestagingnewsire.com/xmlrpc.php in your browser.

                      Server not found

                      Firefox can’t find the server at newswire.homestagingnewsire.com.

                      There is no such site, so of course you are getting “HTTP status code was not 200”.

                      SHell Brodnax

                        Have you read the instructions on your plug in? I keep entering what your instructions states. It states put the USER name in the URL. Of COURSE my URL does not have a user name in it. the site is http://www.HomeStagingNewswire.com if that is my site, can you just tell me what to put in the URL box if I am not supposed to add the user name to it per the instructions.


                          Where exactly in our instructions we tell you to enter the username?????

                          Are you referring to this part?

                          Please use https://YourUserName.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php (replace YourUserName with your user name – for example https://nextscripts.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php) for WordPress.com blogs

                          Please notice bold part!. It says this is related ONLY to the blogs located on the WordPress.com.

                          Now. please read the #4.

                          4. Enter the URL to the XMLRPC location. Usually it’s a URL of the WordPress installation with /xmlrpc.php at the end.

                          Again. “it’s a URL of the WordPress installation with /xmlrpc.php at the end” – nothing about adding username.


                            I can confirm it is confusing. I have wordpress installed on my own server and I also thought you meant add the username in at the front for any wordpress installation from the way it read. I now get you mean just for the wordpress.com version not your own installation.


                              I confirm I wasted 2 hours because in the plugin settings you have now written : “Please use https://YourUserName.blog.com/xmlrpc.php (replace YourUserName with your user name – for example https://nextscripts.blog.com/xmlrpc.php for Blog.com blogs” And that is totally wrong 🙁


                                I removed the username as indicated in this post. Now I get an error message when I try to post that reads
                                “[Error] [WP – Turkey Hunting Directory] – -=ERROR=- Array ( [pgID] => [isPosted] => 0 [pDate] => 2015-03-09 22:32:33 [Error] => -=ERROR=- Something went wrong – 404 : Invalid post ID. ) | PostID: 317 – Turkey Hunting”

                                The WordPress is installed on a 1&1 server. It was a full blown installation rather than a “1 Button Setup”

                                The target Blog where I want to duplicate the post is https://turkey.hunting-directory.net

                                That target blog is also located on a 1and1 server, although it is a different server. It was installed with a full blown installation rather than a 1 Button Setup.

                                I have it set to post immediately rather than waiting for a Cron Job to initiate.

                                In the SETTINGS I have:
                                Categories to Include/Exclude are all checked.
                                XMLRPC URL: https://turkey.hunting-directory.net/xmlrpc.php
                                FILTER AUTOPOSTING CATEGORIES BY: SELECTED
                                Tags and Custom Taxonomies: turkey

                                The username and password have both been double checked

                                It still will not post to the target blog.

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