Unable to choose the radio button for an Auto-Publish account

Forums SNAP – WordPress Plugin Forums Unable to choose the radio button for an Auto-Publish account


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  • #558638


      I created an account to Auto-Publish on a Facebook page. I set up a filter based on a category. Then I want to choose the Radio button option (“Radiobutton – Filters are on. Posts will be autposted or not autoposted depending on filters”)

      But I’m unable to select it. I have only checked or unchecked options…

      Does someone know where I could make the change directly in the database ?

      Thank you very much for your help…


        I don’t follow. What exactly are you trying to change?

        if checkbox is checked plugin will post there.
        if checkbox is UNchecked plugin will post NOT there.
        If it’s a radiobutton – Filters are on. Posts will be autposted or not autoposted depending on filters

        Radiobutton is NOT selectable by definition.


          Now I understand ! Thank you !


            I am still confused. The radio buttons do not show up for me.


            I have 14 accounts all have filters. I also filter on a settings level as well. I remember it use to show up for google+ but since I have removed that now none have it.

            • This reply was modified 6 years ago by dataforxyz. Reason: add picture and more info


            Do you have some solution? I’m in the same situation

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