Problem with planned posts and the time to post

Forums SNAP – WordPress Plugin Forums Problem with planned posts and the time to post

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  • #31127

      I think there is a problem with planned posts and the time to post.

      In the account configuration I have specified a delay of 3 hours. When editing the post the time displayed in 3 hours after the current moment. Not what I want. So I set the time manually for all accounts. But after updating the post all times are gone and I see “3 hours delay”. That’s fine. But after updating the post again at 12am, I see a post time of 3am.

      So I disabled all accounts, because I was not sure what would happen in the middle of the night. Still, I got an error mail this morning about failed posts.

      My questions:
      1) Can you test & fix the timing for planned posts?
      2) Can you add a global time to post to all accounts?


        I don’t think I got the question. So what exactly you were expecting? 3 hrs delay means it will be posted in 3 hours after the time the actual post become published.


          That’s what I would expect.

          I created a new post at 3pm and set the post date to 6am the next day. But while editing the post, the SNAP post times showed 6pm instead of 9am.

          Is it clear now?

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