Hello Guys,
I am getting issue while posting a wordpress post on facebook. I am using single user free version of plugin.
While posting post on facebook I am getting this error “-=ERROR=- Server can’t access it’s own images. (Image URL: https://ethosdemo.in/wp/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/e708faae99a41cea4f9455abb1fe2675.jpg) Most probably it’s a DNS problem. Please contact your hosting provider. O:8:”WP_Error”:2:{s:6:”errors”;a:1:{s:19:”http_request_failed”;a:1:{i:0;s:20:”connect() timed out!”;}}s:10:”error_data”;a:0:{}} ” .
I have researched alot on Google but still not get the solution. I will appreciated if you guys provide me some solution.
Thanks In Advance !!