Images posting error Facebook

Forums SNAP – WordPress Plugin Forums Images posting error Facebook

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  • #508557
    Sumit Manchanda

      Hello Guys,

      I am getting issue while posting a wordpress post on facebook. I am using single user free version of plugin.
      While posting post on facebook I am getting this error “-=ERROR=- Server can’t access it’s own images. (Image URL: Most probably it’s a DNS problem. Please contact your hosting provider. O:8:”WP_Error”:2:{s:6:”errors”;a:1:{s:19:”http_request_failed”;a:1:{i:0;s:20:”connect() timed out!”;}}s:10:”error_data”;a:0:{}} ” .

      I have researched alot on Google but still not get the solution. I will appreciated if you guys provide me some solution.
      Thanks In Advance !!

      ALEX G.

        The answer is in the FAQ.

        Support FAQ

        ALEX G.

          FAQ 1.4.

          Support FAQ

          Sumit Manchanda

            I am geeting error due to connect() timed out! .. I have read the faq 1.4 but i did’t resolve my issue

            Will you guys help !!

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