Disqus import – Missing thread permalink?

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  • #22964

      I’m still having this import issue with Facebook comments. I’m running that latest version and just paid for the pro upgrade too.

      Missing thread permalink or identifier {“post”:{“parent”:”wp_id=29538″,”author_email”:”253362368081614@facebook.com”,”author_name”:”DJWORX”,”original_id”:”29541″,”author_url”:”https://www.facebook.com/DJWORXHQ”,”date”:”2013-09-22T17:58:00UTC”,”is_linkback”:false,”message”:”I have a UK price of \u00a3585 for the RP-8000.”,”ip_address”:”″,”approved”:true,”metadata”:”wp_id=29541″},”thread”:{“date”:null,”link_url”:null,”link_metadata”:””,”closed”:true,”title”:null}}

      The comments seem to be OK in native WordPress comments, but error when they hit Disqus. Whatever is missing, needs to be put back in so that Disqus can handle the import properly.

      Outside of this, SNAP is perfect. Please help.


        same here as well


          Same here, I have sent contacted the support for this problem. Also with imported facebook comments. The way I find is to manually launch the import process in disqus and then after it works.


            I’ve done a little more digging and compared a WordPress comment XML to a SNAP imported comment. There’s some WP metadata missing, which I suspect is the reason for the error. I’ve updated my support ticket. Hoping to get an answer soon.


              Same problem. There are comments made in FB, Disqus gets them and saves them but no process of these because of error named : Missing thread permalink
              SO- HOW TO FIX IT? And what is manual import one mentioned here? Should we ban Disqus? HELPPPPPPPPPPPPP


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