Reply To: auto-draft_to_publish bypass filters

Forums SNAP – WordPress Plugin Forums auto-draft_to_publish bypass filters Reply To: auto-draft_to_publish bypass filters


    Found a solution by myself (thanks to NextScripts for their quick answer…), writing it down if people have similar problems.

    In the file inc/nxs_ntlist_class.php, at lines 282 and 283, change ‘0’ with ‘2’

    exactly :
    if (isset($pMeta[‘timeToRun’])) $optMt[‘timeToRun’] = $pMeta[‘timeToRun’]; $optMt[‘do’] = 0;
    if (isset($pMeta[‘do’])) $optMt[‘do’] = $pMeta[‘do’]; else { if (isset($pMeta[‘msgFormat’])) $optMt[‘do’] = 0; }


    if (isset($pMeta[‘timeToRun’])) $optMt[‘timeToRun’] = $pMeta[‘timeToRun’]; $optMt[‘do’] = 2;
    if (isset($pMeta[‘do’])) $optMt[‘do’] = $pMeta[‘do’]; else { if (isset($pMeta[‘msgFormat’])) $optMt[‘do’] = 2; }

    But be very careful with this change, you’ll need to do it at every update and every post will go through filters !!