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Latest postsNew Release: Version 1.9.6
New Version has been released: 1.9.6
New version has new functionality and fixes/improvements as well as LinkedIn support.
= 1.9.6 =
* Bug fix – Twitter formatting
* Bug fix – Google incorrect page issue.
* Bug fix – SSL connectivity issued for some hosts.
= 1.9.5 =
* Bug fix – Twitter short URLS
* Bug fix – Google/Pinterest Connectivity issues
Why sometimes authorization of the Facebook/Tumblr/LinkedIn fails returning you to the incorrect page
During the authorization Facebook/Tumblr/LinkedIn returns the “oauth_token” parameter to the WordPress that has to be stored. This parameter is required for posting updates. Our plugin catches this parameter when it returned to it.
Unfortunately the name of this parameter can’t be changed, it pre-defined by Facebook/Tumblr/LinkedIn. Another unfortunate thing is that Twitter is also using the same name “oauth_token” for it’s authorization.
There are some plugins that use Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr/LinkedIn authorization. Some of those plugins think they are the only plugins in the whole universe, so instead of checking “oauth_token” when it returned to it’s owns page, those plugins add a global hook (some even add this hook with the top priority). This hook waits for “oauth_token” parameter to be returned and then just hijacks it, completely ignoring the fact that this parameter could be  not intended for it.
After hijacking parameter such plugin is trying to redirect the browser to it’s own page, but since the whole set of parameters is not designed for it, it just gets you to the invalid page.
This is a very bad development practice from authors of those plugins.
If you have such an issue,  just temporary deactivate all Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr/LinkedIn plugins you have and try to authorize Facebook/Tumblr/LinkedIn again. You can activate your plugins again when authorization is complete.
New Release: Version 1.8.6
New Version has been released: 1.8.6
New version has some bug fixes as well as support for video attachment to Facebook posts.
= 1.8.6 =
* New – If blogpost has video it can be used as attachement in Facebook post.
* Bug fix – Facebook %TEXT% and %FULLTEXT% formatiing issues.
* Bug fix – Some Blogger Authorization issues.
= 1.8.5 =
* Bug fix – Format settings disappeared after update post
* Bug fix – Twitter 140 characters limit when used with %TEXT% and %FULLTEXT%
You can download it from NextScripts or directly from
Blogger/Blogspot – two ways of auto-posting
Blogger has been recently added to the list of supported networks to the NextScripts Social Networks Autposter plugin for WordPress.
This plugin supports two kinds of networks – networks that have free API (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr) and networks that require a special third party library (Pinterest, Goolge+).
Blogger has a unique position there. It does have a free API, but that API is very restricted and unstable. Blogger also owned by Google and it’s interface is somewhat similar to Google+, so making third party library to support Blogger through our own API were not that hard.
As a result the plugin has dual support for Blogger. it will use free API if you have just the plugin, and it will use NextScripts API if you have postToGooglePlus.php library.
The problems with Free API:
- The HTML code should be XHTML complaint. This is usually not a problem with clean wordpress, but a lot of third party plugins forgot to close html tags, put quotes in attributes and use <br/>Â not <br>. Things like this will be rejected by free API and message won’t be posted.
- Due to internal possessing the format of your post could be changed to something completely different.
- No support for tags
- No proper support for UTF/Unicode. International characters could become corrupted.
Please consider getting Google+ API (Blogger is included there) if you have problems posting to Blogger.
New Release: Version 1.8.4 with Blogger/Blogspot Support
New Version has been released: 1.8.4
New version add Blogger/Blogspot support as well some improvements to the existing networks.
= 1.8.4 =
* New – Blogger Support
* New/Improvement – Post to Tumblr and Blogger/Blogspot could be posted with tags
* New/Improvement – Tumblr is now open_basedir safe.
* Bug fix – G+ Authorization problem with non domains (like,,, etc).
* Bug fix – Pinterest “Test” Button
You can download it from NextScripts or directly from
New Release: Version 1.8.2
New Version has been released: 1.8.2
New version has some more Pinterest functionality including ability to change board from the “New Post” page. It also has Tumblr Authorization bug fixed
= 1.8.2 =
* Bug fix – Tumblr Authorization Problem.
= 1.8.1 =
* Improvement – Pinterest will look for images in post text if featured image is missing
* Improvement – Pinterest – adbility to change board diring the post writing.
* Bug fix – Several small bugs and formating fixes.
You can download it from NextScripts or directly from
New Release: Version 1.8 with Pinterest and Tumblr support
New Version has been released: 1.8.0
This version is adds Pinterest and Tumblr support as well as many improvements to the image and text post management.
= 1.8.0 =
* New – Pinterest Support
* New – Tumblr Support
* New/Improvement – %IMG% replacement tag – Inserts Featured Image URL
* Improvement – Better Image Handling
* Improvement – Better Facebook Authorization
* Improvement – Google+ Interactive Phone and Email Account Verification Support
* Bug fix – Google+ “You are not authorized for this page” Error
You can download it from NextScripts or directly from
New Release: Version 1.7.5
New Version has been released: 1.7.5
This version is WordPress 3.4 compatible, has some small improvements and bug fixes and also can shorten URLs posted to Twitter.
= 1.7.5 =
* New/Improvement – %SURL% replacement tag – Shortens URL
* Improvement – WordPress 3.4 Compatibility
* Improvement – Better handling of Twitter’s “140 characters limit”
* Bug fix – Facebook posts to use Home URL instead of Site URL
* Bug fix – Better error handling
You can download it from NextScripts or directly from
New Release: Version 1.7.3
New Version has been released: 1.7.3. It fixes the problem Facebook Authorization
= 1.7.3 =
* Bug fix – Some Facebook Authorization/Connection issues.
You can download it from NextScripts or directly from
New Release: Version 1.7.2
New version has been released: 1.7.2.
It adds author’s name to the list of possible post format tags and fixed some facebook problems.
= 1.7.2 =
* New/Improvement – %AUTHORNAME% – Inserts the author’s name.
* Improvement – better Facebook errors handling
* Bug fix – Facebook 1000 character limit error fixed.
You can download it from NextScripts or directly from
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