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New Release: Version 1.7.0

New Release: Version 1.7.0

New Version has been released: 1.7.0.

This version has two new features as a result of multiple requests from our users.

1. “Custom Post Types” are now supported. Many custom templates allow to post some different types of content and now all this custom content could be published to the social networks the same way as regular posts.

2. Open Graph tags support is now build in the plugin. You need Open Graph tags to define the thumbnail, title and short description of your post that will be posted to Facebook and Google+.

There are also several small improvements and bug fixes.


= 1.7.0 =
* New – Support for WordPress “Custom Post Types”.
* New – Ability to add open graph tags without third party plugins.
* Improvement – Better compatibility/faster Google+ posting.
* Improvement – If post thumbnail (featured image) is not set, script will look for images in the post.
* Improvement – If excerpt is not set, script will auto-generate it.
* Bug fix – Fixed “Changing format of the message for each individual post” problem.
* Bug fix – Fixed missing “Pending-to-Publish” status change.
* Bug fix – Twitter settings page format fixed.

You can download it from NextScripts or directly from

New Release: Version 1.7.0

New Release: Version 1.6.2

New Version has been released: 1.6.2. It fixes the problem with Twitter posting sometimes  producing “Cannot modify header information” error.


= 1.6.2 =
* Bug fix – Fix for “Cannot modify header information” message while posting to Twitter.

You can download it from NextScripts or directly from

New Release: Version 1.6.1

New Version has been released: 1.6.1. It fixes the problem for the webservers without support for short php tags <? ?> and adds ability to post either full post or excerpt of the post.

= 1.6.1 =
* Improvement – New posting format: %TEXT% – Inserts the excerpt of your post. %FULLTEXT% – Inserts the body(text) of your post.
* Bug fix – Activation Problem “unexpected $end” for servers with no support  for short php tags <? ?>.

You can download it from NextScripts or directly from

Google Adds a new ‘Share’ Button for Google+

Google Adds a new ‘Share’ Button for Google+

Google just introduced a Google+ “Share” button.

The new button allows webmasters to let visitors to spread a link to the page among circles on Google+ Social Network. When visitor clicks the button, there is an option of sharing a page with anyone or only some circles in their network.The Share button joins, not replaces the existing “+1” button, which allows Google+ members to endorse a webpage or an article.

The Share button is already available for integration.  More instructions are on the ‘Google+ Developers’.

Unfortunately this button does not changes the way the Google+ API works. The API is still read-only, so if you as a webmaster want to share your own page or blog post on your own G+  page you still need to do it manually or use the third party plugin or library.