What is Premium API for PHP?
NextScripts Premium API for PHP is an Application Program Interface (API) that could be used to post to Social Networks without native built-in API.
Some networks (Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, Flipboard, xing, etc…) don’t have native API, so we created our own APIs for such networks.
SNAP Premium API PHP Libraries Package gives you an ability to post to networks without native API.

What is included?
1 year of access to all available API libraries. As of now:
More Details and Demos
Google+ API Library
Instagram API Library
Pinterest API Library
How to use it – Let’s see some code:
require_once “nxs-api/nxs-api.php”;
require_once “nxs-api/nxs-http.php”;
require_once “inc/nxs-functions.php”;
$email = ‘YourEmail@gmail.com’;
$pass = ‘YourPassword’;
$pageID = ‘109888164682746252347’;
$msg = ‘Post this to Google Plus!’;
$nt = new nxsAPI_GP();
$loginError = $nt—>connect($email, $pass);
if (!$loginError)
$result = $nt -> postGP($msg, ”, $pageID);
else echo $loginError;
if (!empty($result) && is_array($result) && !empty($result[‘post_url’]))
echo ‘New Post‘;
echo “
".print_r($result, true)."
[php] <?php
// First, let’s get settings.
$fileData = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__).’/nx-snap-settings.txt’);
$snapOptions = maybe_unserialize($fileData);
if (class_exists(“cl_nxsAutoPostToSN”)) {
// Initialize the class
$nxsAutoPostToSN = new cl_nxsAutoPostToSN($snapOptions);
// Message array contains the post
$message = array(
‘title’=–>’Social Networks Auto Poster (SNAP) API’,
‘text’=>’Social Networks Auto Poster (SNAP) API is a universal API for the most popular social networks’,
// Set message
// Make the post
$ret = $nxsAutoPostToSN->autoPost();
// First, let’s get settings.
$fileData = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__).’/nx-snap-settings.txt’);
$snapOptions = maybe_unserialize($fileData);
$postOnlyTo = array(‘tw’=–>array(0, 2), ‘fb’=>array(0));
if (class_exists(“cl_nxsAutoPostToSN”)) {
// Initialize the class
$nxsAutoPostToSN = new cl_nxsAutoPostToSN($snapOptions, $postOnlyTo);
// Message array contains the post
$message = array(
‘urlDescr’=>’Social Networks Auto Poster (SNAP) API’,
‘urlTitle’=>’Social Networks Auto Poster API’,
‘imageURL’ => array(
‘title’=>’Social Networks Auto Poster (SNAP) API’,
‘text’=>’Social Networks Auto Poster (SNAP) API is a universal API for the most popular social networks’,
// Set message
// Make the post
$ret = $nxsAutoPostToSN->autoPost();
PHP Ver > 5.2 (PHP 7 or 7.1 is recommended)
PHP should have at least 32M of memory (64M and more is highly recommended).
gzip and mbstring are not required but will make things work faster.
Most Popular Question
Can this product read my posts from my database?
Can this product save/read my settings from my database?
Can it post to multiple accounts simultaneously?
Can I set the delay?
Can I set a schedule to automatically repost my messages?
This product is an API. Simply API is a “black box” that you provide with the destination, credentials and message. API will post this message to your destination using your credentials. That’s it, nothing more, nothing less.
You can call it as many times as you like with different destination and credentials ad it will post to different accounts or pages. It’s up you if you would like to save login or not and where you do that. It doesn’t read your messages from the DB, it does not schedule posts or re-posts, it does not do any other functionality. API is a library that you can wrap your own code around.
Our WordPress plugin is a very good example of kind of code could be written around the API.

Premium API for WordPress
API for SNAP WordPress Plugin- Adds support for all premium networks to SNAP WordPress plugin
- Post to networks without native API such as Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Flipboard, Reddit, XING
- Not Downloadable, will work only in the SNAP WordPress plugin
- Special Offer: Get SNAP Pro WordPress Plugin for Free
Universal API for PHP
Universal API for all networks- Full Source (PHP) Universal API Library for more then 30 networks
- Post to networks without native API such as Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Flipboard, Reddit, XING
- Downloadable and can be used for plain PHP Projects
- Management panel
- Additional examples including “Make a Post” form.
- Premium API for WordPress is Included.
- Premium API for PHP is Included.
- Special Offer: Get SNAP Pro WordPress Plugin for Free
Premium API for PHP
API Libraries for networks without native API.- Full Source (PHP) API Library for networks without Native API (Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, Flipboard, Reddit, XING)
- Downloadable and can be used for plain PHP Projects
- Premium API for WordPress is Included.
- Special Offer: Get SNAP Pro WordPress Plugin for Free
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use it on multiple sites?
Our licenses are issued on "Per User" basis. It means you can use one license on all your sites, but you can't give it to other people. You can use Plugin and API libraries on all your sites/blogs, the only requirement is that all those sites/blogs must be yours. You can’t re-sell or re-distribute the “Pro” Plugin and API libraries or websites with per-installed “Pro” Plugin and API libraries, neither you can’t install plugin and API libraries for your clients. If you would like to install SNAP to your clients, you need to purchase a separate license for each one of them.
If you are interested in re-selling plugin or would like to install it for your clients you can look at our affiliate program (https://www.nextscripts.com/affiliates/) or developers/resell packages: (https://www.nextscripts.com/developer-and-resale-licenses/)
Is it safe to use?
Is it safe to use? Will my social networks accounts be suspended if I autopost? Is it some kind of Blackhat SEO tool? Can I use it for mass postings?
SNAP is not a spam tool. SNAP is not a Blackhat SEO tool. SNAP is not a tool for bypassing any rules of the site where you are autoposting. You need to follow all terms and guidelines of any site or social network you are working with.
None of the networks we support suspend accounts simply based on the fact that you are autoposting there. Do not post spam or content that is not allowed, do not post more posts then allowed, do not abuse the network in any other way and it will be fine.
If you account got suspended for abuse/spam or any other reasons, please contact the social network directly, we can’t explain why that happened.
What is your refund policy?
Refund policy is here: nextscripts.com/refund-policy
Please see more Frequently Asked Questions
What Our Customers Are Saying
Don’t just take it from us, let our customers do the talking!
To get the full benefits though you do need to buy the pro version otherwise it will get very frustrating knowing what you could do but can’t but it is not overly expensive.