Now you can auto-post your blogposts to another WordPress based blogs. The destination blog must have xmlrpc enabled. Blogpost will be published along with tags, categories and featured image (if your destination is WordPress 3.3 or better). This option includes blogs as well as has xmlrpc activated by default. requires you to go to the Settings->Writing and turn it on.

Note: Please be careful with, while they do allow xmlrpc posts, their’s spam prevention software considers such posts as extremely high risk, so your blog can be deactivated and you will need to contact their support.

The standalone WordPress based blogs are supported as well, so if you are publishing the same content of the several other sites or you would like to mention your main article on your other blogs, this will give you a great way to do so.

Setup is very simple, just enter the URL of the XMLRPC and provide your username and password.

Account Nicknames