Auto post my content without my watermark

Forums SNAP – WordPress Plugin Forums Auto post my content without my watermark

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  • #514961
    Yoshua Haxo

      please let me know where to find what to put on:

      SNAP~>settings~> alternative “featured image” location

      name, array, prefix…

      i dont know where to seek for to find this code snippets.

      i read NEXTSCRIPTS FAQ, intrucctions are ok, but i dont understand where to look for determine what info put on the ‘fill the blanks’ fields.

      please help me. may be somebody has experienced a similar problem.

      my wp version is 4.5.4,
      SNAP version: 3.6.10 [Single Accounts Edition]
      wp theme: twenty eleven,

      every thing works fantastic, SNAP auto publish my posts, but my watermark is not set on auto posted images. but if i post manually from:

      Post~>all~> (any post) …

      sends my watermarked images to Twitter. how can fix this behavior. i will apreciate any helpful advise for configurate my auto poster for send watermarked images, i think is a must for many SNAP users.

      thank you for your atention and helpfull hints and instructions. any idea? please let me know.

      (sorry for my broken english)

      Yoshua Haxo

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