Reply To: Can't get past the Facebook authorization step.

Forums Website Can't get past the Facebook authorization step. Reply To: Can't get past the Facebook authorization step.

Chandra Gurung

    I am getting the following error. Please help
    -= This is normal technical authorization info that will dissapear (Unless you get some errors) =-


    [doFB] => 1
    [nName] => KyaMaalHainYaar
    [fbAppID] => 1413320778917415
    [fbAppSec] => fca420e18308105380af5b8be182d624
    [catSel] => 0
    [catSelEd] =>
    [postType] => A
    [fbAttch] => 2
    [fbAttchAsVid] => 1
    [imgUpl] => 1
    [fbMsgFormat] => New post (%TITLE%) has been published on %SITENAME%
    [fbMsgAFrmt] =>
    [useFBGURLInfo] => 1
    [riComments] => 0
    [riCommentsAA] => 0
    [rpstDays] => 0
    [rpstHrs] => 0
    [rpstMins] => 0
    [rpstOn] => 0
    [rpstOnlyPUP] => 0
    [fltrsOn] => 0
    [rpstBtwDays] => Array

    [fbURL] =>
    [fbPgID] => KyaMaalHainYar

    WP_Error Object
    [errors] => Array
    [http_request_failed] => Array
    [0] => couldn’t connect to host


    [error_data] => Array

