Twitter Posting Error

Forums SNAP – WordPress Plugin Forums Twitter Posting Error

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  • #10972

      Love your plugin, and everything has been working perfect for about a week. However, just today I posted an entry that has more than 140 characters and was given this error:

      403 | {“errors”:[{“code”:190,”message”:”Status creation failed: The text of your tweet is too long.”}]} |

      This would make sense, except for the fact that previously posting to Twitter generated a URL link if the post was beyond 140 characters. I have checked all settings and nothing has changed as far as I can tell. I had two posts go to Twitter today, both over 140 characters. One generated the URL, the other gives me the above error. Any help you can provide would be appreciated.


        What version do you have?



          I encountered the error on 2.7.3, saw there was an update, so I did. Now when I click on “Repost to Twitter” I still get the same error message.


            I think the problem has fixed itself, as it seems to be working now like it did in the past. I literally changed nothing, so who knows what happened. You can consider this solved for now. Thanks.


              Dear Nextscripts,
              We like so much your plugin! 🙂 Unfortunately sometimes we get this error from post we publish on Twitter << Resp: {“errors”:[{“code”:186,”message”:”Status is over 140 characters.”}]}| >>

              We have seen that this happen when the excerpt is too long. Do you think is possible to add a trim function only for autoposting or reposting on Twitter?

              Plugin is updated at the latest version. (3.4.26)

              Thank you very much for you help



                I was using you plugin for about a week and i have the same problem posting to twitter as NcyFil
                How can i fix it?

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